Malashree Suvedi......मालश्री सुवेदी

Poet, writer, painter, textile artist, installation artist,  performance artist. Currently based in Vienna, from Kathmandu.


This one wish you have will come true

2023-continous, Multimodal, Textile, Painting, Installation, Poetry-Prose, Performative, Research 

Join me and Rekha Bhatta for a collaboration of a lifetime.





Selection of Poetry
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Retrospective to the I

2023, Multimodal, Textile, Painting, Installation, Poetry-Prose

Engaging in the I through a combination of journal entries, poetic writing, discussions of materiality, subjectivity and ontology, letters, short stories, memories, and art pieces. I situate myself in this great, complex world. In the end, I try to frame the I through the lens of care-related ontology, taking a leaf from post-humanistic and postcolonial feminism AND poetry. We must care if we are to be and become. The Retrospecitve functioned both as a thesis and as an exhibition. The question asked here is “Who gets to be the I?”

Thesis PDF


2023, Künstlerhaus, Vienna, Textile, Woodwork, Light

Through Sieve---through, the divisions between the real artist, Rekha B, who is imagined, and the other artist, who is not imagined, begin to crumble…like dirt. The bed-frame is constructed in collaboration with Rekha, you know the imagined one?-- an 80 year old famous artist, who lives somewhere in the hills of Nepal like a recluse. The upper deck is woven by Rekha, her old body still strong enough to create taut nylon intersections.The bottom deck, woven by the credited artist (MS), becomes a conduit…I want to grow I want to grow, it says. Yet, there is space for dirt, mud-a simple metaphor for foundation, earth, home, belonging- to sieve through. And so it does, the bed was inaugurated somewhere else, it has already been used as a sieve, now there is more dirt here, and now the shadows of these woven pieces interact with each other. It is always on MS’ mind: the various knots that create us, the various narratives that individuals hold, how we look at people through prisms.