Malashree Suvedi......मालश्री सुवेदी

Poet, writer, painter, textile artist, installation artist,  performance artist. Currently based in Vienna, from Kathmandu.

2022, Künstlerhaus, Vienna, Textile Installation

I feel distance like it’s a doing word, I feel distance within myself- between my past and my future and my present, most noticeably I feel distant from other people and other bodies. My work doesn’t focus on the loneliness of living as a singular human being but rather the juxtaposition that existence grants: we are all bound to each other (to human and non-human beings alike). Akin to the great networks of ocean that my works thematically play with, we are dissipated yet conjoined. We need each other, in a world threatened by climatic crises- we are still fallaciously and dangerously maintaining the illusion of complete, selfish individuality.

But then if we are incomprehensibly bound, why do I feel so lonely?